EvrSett English Setters
Welcome to EvrSett English Setters!
Our family has been breeding, showing, and hunting English Setters for over 25 years.
Why is the "CH" in front of our dogs names so important?
At EvrSett we strive for all our puppies to be sound in mind and body. Our first priority is to ensure a temperament true to the breed. As stated in the AKC standard, an English Setter is to be "gentle, affectionate, friendly, without shyness, fear or viciousness." Assuredly, structural correctness is also a top priority. This includes correct movement, bone structure, and angulations as determined by the breed standard. English Setters were bred for function, and the breed standard aims to preserve the function and high quality that this breed requires.
Get Involved
At EvrSett, we want you to be involved with your dog. They are family. Just like your family, they like to explore the world with you. Consider showing in conformation, obedience, agility, hunting or therapy work with your EvrSett pup! It will bring you closer together and make your bond that much stronger.
Pedigree of Legacy
News - Jan 2025
A new year has begun!
We are so grateful for all of our EvrSett families and wish them health and happiness in the new year!
We ended the 2024 show season with a lot of fun- ESAA National Specialty in Cincinnatti. No big wins, but Poppy, Platty, and Hickory were in the placements in their very large classes. The kids had a blast in the junior ring and brought home many prizes!
Inara-Won her 2nd and 3rd major this fall and was only a few points away from finishing her championship. Devastatingly, she passed to the Rainbow Bridge from an unknown hemangiosarcoma right after her win at Coulee Kennel Club. We are so heartbroken for her family. She was a beautiful representation of ES type and temperament.
We also lost a few other EvrSett extended family (Huck, Thurgood, Bridger) this fall, too. Please know our hearts and prayers are with you and your families at this time. These setters just love full-force their entire lives and sometimes we are left with pieces of our hearts lost when they leave.
ATTENTION- We have been notified that there is someone posing as us to SCAM YOU! We DO NOT HAVE PUPPIES at this time!
ALL correspondence to you will be from the contact numbers and emails on this website. Make sure to double check all of this information before sending any money to anyone!
We utilize tools such as BAER testing for deafness, OFA certification for hip and elbow dysplasia, and thyroid testing to identify individual health concerns and exclude these individuals from our breeding program if warranted.
Our goal is, and always will be, the total health of the dog. As we continue to actively research all potential genetic and environmentally linked concerns to the health of our dogs, we also understand some things just cannot be predicted or prevented.
All of our setters are registered with the American Kennel Club, and we are proud members of the English Setter Association of America and the Minnesota English Setter Club. We abide by all guidelines set forth by these clubs for responsible breeders.
News - August 2024
Back to Minnesota!
It was a long car ride but we can't pass up the chance to camp at our favorite dog show, Minnesota English Setter Club in Lake Elmo, MN.
Poppy finished her championship in grand style going Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Bred by! Yay Pop!!
Kids won their classes in Juniors and had a great time playing with cousins.
Next we are headed to the National in Cincinnati in September.
ATTENTION- We have been notified that there is someone posing as us to SCAM YOU! We DO NOT HAVE PUPPIES at this time!
ALL correspondence to you will be from the contact numbers and emails on this website. Make sure to double check all of this information before sending any money to anyone!
News - May 2024
We went up to one of our favorite specialty shows, the Buckeye English Setter club, in Cincinnati.
We entered our puppy, Platty, for fun and to get her some ring experience. Little did we know that on Friday she would be Best of Opposite in the Sweepstakes class and Winner Bitch for a 5 point major!
The next day was Poppy's turn, she was Winner Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Bred by for a 5 point major!
Then on Sunday, Platty was Best in Sweepstakes and Winners Bitch/Best of Winners again!
Henry and Adelaide did great in their juniors classes. They improve every time! Addie got her 3rd 1sts place in Novice class and has moved up to Open Junior.
News - March 2024
Well, in an effort to get back into the show ring after moving to Tennessee, we ventured to the Central Carolina Specialty in Raleigh, North Carolina.
No points for Dilly or Poppy, but we had fun connecting with "new" English Setter neighbors.
Adelaide had a great show, winning her junior showmanship class both days and earning her first 2 novice wins. One more and she moves up to Open!